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Ukama Sunday October 24, 2021

On Sunday, October 24, the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe (UCCZ) and the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ (NHCUCC) will celebrate 25 years in a partnership known as “Ukama” -- a Shona word which describes a relationship much like family. Currently, 47 congregations in the New Hampshire Conference are partnered with a church in the UCCZ.  Ukama Sunday is a great way to affirm the blessings of this relationship, or revive a relationship which has languished. The Ukama Mission Group suggests that Ukama churches here reach out to your partner church and look for ways to share greetings as part of our celebration.  You’ll find resources for celebrating Ukama Sunday in this guide.  While safety concerns have kept many churches from singing together, there are fine recordings of Shona singing available through the resource guide. 

View greetings from UCCZ:

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