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Save the Date! Annual meeting occurs October 26 at Geneva Point. Resolutions passed at that time will be updated here.


No resolutions passed.


Resolution of Witness Affirming the Rights of All People to Access the Full Range of Reproductive Healthcare, Including Abortion, Within Society.

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting October 15, 2022)

Resolution of Witness Free from Plastic Pollution

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting October 15, 2022)

Resolution of Witness Affirming the Worth and Dignity of Transgender People and Supporting Their Civil and Human Rights Both Within the Church and In Society.

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting October 15, 2022)


A Resolution of Christian Witness in support of Educators and encouraging healthy dialogue around elimination of racism

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting October 16, 2021)


A Resolution of Christian Witness on the Rights of Nature

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting, October 17, 2020)


A Resolution of Christian Witness in Support of New Hampshire Conference United Church of Christ Congregations - Back from the Brink Initiative

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting, October 19, 2019)


Resolution of Christian Witness in Support of New Hampshire Conference United Church of Christ Congregations Awakening to Racial Justice

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting, October 20, 2018)

A Resolution of Christian Witness Affirming Support for the continuation of the New Hampshire Health Protection Program (Medicaid Expansion in NH)

(Adopted by The Board of Directors February 21, 2018.)


The New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ (NHCUCC) Stands in Solidarity with the Maranatha Indonesian UCC in Madbury and with its Members (and Other NH Immigrants Similarly Situated) Who Face the Threat of Deportation – and Calls Upon All Settings of the NHCUCC to Provide Welcome, Support and/or Sanctuary for New and Long-Term Immigrants and Asylum Seekers in Our Communities

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting, October 21, 2017.)

Creation Care for our Conference Churches Partnering with our National Leadership

(Adopted by The Board of Directors at their September 16, 2017 meeting.)


No resolutions passed.


Resolution - Continuing Education for Clergy

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting, October 24, 2015.)


A Resolution of Christian Witness in Support of Increasing the Minimum Wage (at both the State and Federal level)

(Adopted by the Board of Directors, acting on behalf of the Gathered Conference, on September 20, 2014.)

Resolution of Christian Witness Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting, October 25, 2014.)


No resolutions passed.


NHCUCC Prison Privatization Resolution

(Adopted September 20, 2012 by the NHCUCC Conference Council.)

NHCUCC Income Tax Resolution

(Adopted August 16, 2012 by the NHCUCC Conference Council.)

OCWM - A Resolution to Increase Our Basic Support

(Adopted August 16, 2012 by the NHCUCC Conference Council.)


A Resolution of Christian Witness in Support of Declaring the New Hampshire Conference to be a Global Mission Conference of the United Church of Christ.

(Adopted by the gathered body at Annual Meeting, October 22, 2011.)


Resolutions before 2010 are currently not stored on our website. Please reach out to our Conference Office at or (603) 225-6647 to request any earlier resolution.

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