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Meet Our Instructor

Worship Leadership and Preaching

Rev. Andy Nagy-Benson


Rev. Andy Nagy-Benson is the senior pastor of The Congregational Church of Middlebury (UCC) in Middlebury, Vermont.  A graduate of Colby College and Yale Divinity School, he led congregations in New Hampshire and Connecticut prior to his current position.  Andy was a lecturer of homiletics at Yale Divinity School for several years and has recently co-taught courses at Middlebury College.  He served as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Vermont Conference, UCC and is the co-founder and president of Table 21, a nonprofit that has awarded over $1 million in grants to small businesses and nonprofits in Addison County (VT) since 2021.  He is currently a Doctor of Ministry student in the Creative Writing and Public Theology cohort at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.  Andy and his family live in Weybridge, Vermont.

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