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Economic Justice Mission Group

(also known as the Economic Justice Team)

Chair – Gail Kinney

Secretary – Claudia Istel

The national setting of our denomination, the United Church of Christ, declares,

“God commissions us to establish economies built around deeply-rooted justice, universal equity, and sustaining compassion so that all might thrive.”  Over many decades, economic justice has continued to be a top UCC priority, manifested in

a number of resolutions calling for a more just and humane world. Through our covenantal relationship with our General Synod, we in the NH Conference and across the UCC  “are especially guided by this pivotal 2009 resolution: “An Economic Justice Covenant.” As we carry out the quest for justice that informs our faith, we are called upon to “Commit, Transform, Act and Advocate” in order to do our part to build and sustain God’s Beloved Community.

The Economic Justice Team needs and welcomes new members who share in our passion for justice. Contact Us to get involved.

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Justice Action and Advocacy – Current Priority Activities in the Quest for Justice

The NHCUCC’s Economic Justice Team embraces the notions of solidarity and partnership. We recognize that we are stronger together when we work in alliance with others to advocate for the policies and practices that will bring about a more economically just state, nation and world. Therefore, our core activities have been built in collaboration with others who embrace the same quest.

New Hampshire Voices of Faith & Legislative Advocacy

Photo banner and blurb here

Include link to NH Voices of Faith Statement of Purpose


New Hampshire Faith & Labor Alliance

Photo banner and blurb here

Include YouTube link


Protect and Cherish Our Public Schools and Educators

Short blurb here


A Moral Economy

Short blurb here

Upcoming Events

There are currently no upcoming events. 

Parent Ministry

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