The transfer on July 16th of all 289 funds in the Consolidated Investment Fund (CIF) was completed seamlessly and each individual fund is now held at United Church Funds (UCF). Instead of being split into two investments (Total Return and Eden Fund), each fund is now invested solely in the Beyond Fossil Fuels Balanced Fund.
Participants may access their online statements as soon as UCF has the new Participant Agreement. (If you have not yet filled one out and require a new copy, please click here to download the agreement.) Please submit any changes to the NH Conference c/o Lydia Frasca and we will forward the necessary information to UCF.
There was a delay as the new Participant Agreements were collected and a list created for UCF. This backlog has been settled as most of the Agreements are now at the UCF. If you have any problems signing onto the UCF website to retrieve online statements, please contact the NH Conference at 603-224-6657 or
The UCF pays dividends on a quarterly basis, March 30, June 30, September 30 and December 31. These will be handled by the NH Conference and distributed to participants via check.
All recurring (systematic) withdrawals are being handled on a monthly basis by the NH Conference UCC and will be sent out via checks.
For any problem or questions,please contact the NH Conference at 603-224-6657 or