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The Economic Justice Mission Group and AFSC-NH Launch the 2025 NH Voices of Faith Effort at a December 6th Planning Session

So....  What's at stake during the 2025 NH Legislative Session when it comes to matters of justice, care for the most vulnerable in our midst and the public good overall? What do our faith values demand of us in the public square in this moment in time? The NH Voices of Faith initiative, co-founded over a decade ago by the American Friends Service Committee-NH Program and our Conference's Economic Justice Mission Group, brings together collective voices from multiple faith traditions to show up in the legislative halls and speak out on matters such as defending public education and the rights of workers and LGBTQ+ community members, advocating for a state budget that invests in human needs and the common good, addressing the affordable housing crisis -- and much more. We traditionally gather in December to discuss our policy concerns and to ground ourselves in what lies ahead and where our moral voices are most needed.

We hope you can join us on the afternoon of Friday December 6, from 12 noon to 3 PM at the NHCUCC Conference office, 140 Sheep Davis Road in Pembroke, for our NH Voices of Faith planning session as we focus the bills and policies that will be considered by the 2025 Legislature. Our objective is to connect with and inspire each other and to reaffirm why and how our shared values of justice and dignity demand our engagement and action. A light lunch will be provided.  RSVP today so that we can plan accordingly. We encourage you to attend in person, and there will also be a Zoom option.

Sign up here, and please share this information with members of your congregation. All are welcome!

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